elegans lacking functional dystrophin at distinct stages of disease progression. In effort to better understand these dynamics, we have isolated and sequenced body muscle-specific transcriptomes from C.

This allows for the characterization of the transcriptome rearrangements affecting disease progression independently of inflammation and regeneration. Caenorhabditis elegans possess a mild inflammatory response that is not active in the muscle, and lack a satellite cell equivalent. Resulting changes in muscle-specific gene expression that take place in dystrophin’s absence remain largely uncharacterized, as they are potentially obscured by the chronic inflammation elicited by muscle damage in humans. The condition is driven by nonsense and missense mutations in the dystrophin gene, leading to instability of the sarcolemma and skeletal muscle necrosis and atrophy. Here's a video showcasing the most important bug fixes and features provided by the Worms Armageddon updates ().Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a lethal, X-linked disease characterized by progressive muscle degeneration. If you don't have it already, you can get it from MasterTronic (formerly Sold Out Software) () or Amazon () bundled with a brand new copy of Worms 2. While I don't know how to fix your problem with Worms 2, I can tell you that Worms Armageddon is the way to go if you want Worms-2-style gameplay. It also means the communities for the other 2 games (Worms 2 and Worms World Party) have dwindled significantly as Worms Armageddon has collected most of their players. This means it has received compatibility updates, bug fixes, and tons of features official and third-party. Its latest update was released in November 2010, which is very recent. They all have interesting differences, but the only one which has been continually developed since its release is Worms Armageddon. They all run on the same engine with the same (or very similar) graphics, weapons, etc. There are 3 games in the Worms 2 generation: Worms 2, Worms Armageddon, and Worms World Party. If possible, I suggest you play WA instead, since it runs on the same engine as W2 and can do everything W2 can do and more with the help of RubberWorm (WormKit module), plus has fixes for bugs like this.